
Hello! I thought I’d share with you some of my holiday to Fuerteventura, giving you some suggestions on where to eat and what to do. I went with my boyfriend but some stuff can be done as a family.

I stayed in Corralejo which is a busier resort on the island with more nightlife. The hotel I stayed in was called Hotel Hesperia Bristol Playa. The hotel was really nice, a little walk out of the center but it didn’t really matter to us.

We mainly sunbathed even though it was windy, it was very deceiving as we burnt pretty much all over on the first day.

We did go on some excursions however between the sunbathing later on in the week which I will explain below.

Things to do:

1, Oasis Park Zoo – this was my favourite thing to do in Fuerteventura. The park cost €35, plus experiences on top.

First, we paid for an extra experience at the park and that was to feed lemurs. Hands down one of the best experiences! Getting close and personal with a lemur, having them sit/run across your lap.

We then watched a parrot show, it was pretty much a mad show, the parrots and birds were flying all over the place.

Throughout the day we wandered around to look at the other animals such as camels, zebras, elephants, llamas, donkeys, monkeys.

We also had the chance to feed giraffes, which I have never done before. Unreal experience, as giraffes are one of my favourite animals, I really loved this. A bag of food was only €1.50! How cheap is that!

We also watched a bird of prey shows with owls, eagles etc.

Another show we watched was a sea lion show, they’re so cute, basically sea doggies.


2, Tour of Fuerteventura island – I would recommend this to anyone who came to Fuerteventura, not just any island tour though, the man who ran the tour was so passionate about his tour. He took his own time and researched the island, spoke to locals and told us so many interesting facts, taking us personally around the island. Showing us breathing views and cute hidden locations.

I’ll link the tour I went on here.

3, Hiring bikes- we decided to hire pedal bikes and ride around Corralejo to the sand dunes. Let me tell you, we trekked on them bikes to beautiful views. It was so tiring but 100% worth it.

Places to eat:

1, Recoveco – We has our first meal here after spotting it on a beachfront walk. The restaurant offers a wide variety of food such as pasta, chicken, seafood, and pizza.

There I had spaghetti bol. My boyfriend had 1/2 chicken.

2, wok Chinese – can’t go on holiday without a Chinese buffet. It was average. The staff was very friendly.

3, La Scarpetta – honestly disappointed in this Italian. The pizza was watery and didn’t feel full after eating.


Most bars don’t open until 10pm but will stay open until around 2am.

music square – near / in (not too sure) the old town of Corralejo. Small square with as you can guess, live music playing, from DJ sets to singers. With a lovely atmosphere with tables around the square and bars.

Road just off music square – full of cocktail bars! My favourite place to go on an evening for a few chilled drinks.

The Main Road – there are a few more club / upbeat bars on the main road, usually with reps outside begging you to come in. We didn’t go in these though as we preferred quieter cocktails.

Here are some more holiday photos:

Love Chloe x

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